Thursday, January 22, 2009

Taint China's reputation and die

The verdicts are in: Two men have been sentenced to death for producing melamine, that pesky, poisonous plastic that sickened 300,000 kids, killed six infants and humiliated China shortly after, uh, you know, that big sports thing in August.

40-year-old Zhang Yujun was sentenced to death for running what was allegedly China's largest melamine-producing factory, and Geng Jinping will die for producing and selling toxic food. A third man got a "suspended" death sentence and will likely end up in jail for life.

Tian Wenhua, the Sanlu executive who admitted knowing about the melamine in her company's milk powder at least four months before Sanlu and the government went public, got a life sentence.

Parents of the hundreds of thousands of children who got sick after ingesting the tainted milk aren't satisfied, however. Some are questioning why CCP officials, many of whom would have known about the melamine long before Sanlu's product recall in September, got off so easily.

The important thing, though, is that China can now hold its head high, free of any food-quality scares.

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