So I spent the day being doused--and dousing others--in coloured powder and dye, in a series of guerrilla-style ambushes.
No, I hadn't regressed to a five-year-old state (although I know several people who would dispute that claim).
I was celebrating Holi--possibly the greatest holiday of all time.
Either way, the concept is fabulous: A day dedicated to smearing powdered dye on other people, and ambushing them with water balloons and water guns.
Plus, Holi's traditional drink is Bhang--a crazy liquid that contains concentrated marijuana, vodka, milk and other things. Legal? Not quite. Delicious? Yes. (or so I've heard)
Of course, Holi isn't without its controversies--namely, that a lot of people don't enjoy being covered in paint on their way to work, having their new blouse soaked in water or being grabbed by a stranger's paint-drenched hands.
(Unofficially, anyone's fair game before noon on the day of Holi, After that, you're supposed to get a paint-free pass if you really don't want to play.
A word of caution, however: Those dyes never come out. Ever.
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